
Relevé Relief Icy Muscle Gel to the Rescue
This past year in quarantine has made us all so anxious to dance but we need to ease our bodies back into it! Introducing Relevé Relief Icy Muscle Gel, the new and improved formula supports muscle recovery before and after workouts, by using Ultra-Cooling Menthol and a blend of Pure Essential Oils. Read on to learn about each ingredient and why this product really works for all dancers!
The Best Dance Recital Check List EVER!
Getting ready for recital is always fraught with last minute craziness. We are here to help eliminate some of the tension with the best recital check list EVER!
Tips for a Successful Recital

Recital season is the best time of year for dancers. It's a way to show your family how hard you've worked, make memories with your dance friends, and one of the last times you perform on stage before heading off to summer intensive or starting a new season. 

Recital can also be stressful! There's choreography to memorize, costumes to rhinestone, skills to perfect and many other factors that puts pressure on dancers. Keep reading for tips to make this year a stress free, successful recital!

Five Things To ALWAYS Keep In Your Dance Bag

Dancers basically live out of their dance bags... something you probably already know! Being a dancer, you must be prepared to face any challenge that arises in the studio or on stage. So what should you keep in your dance bag?!

These five items will make a BIG difference when you need them, but are still small enough to save room in your bag for the rest of your shoes and accessories. You'll wonder how you ever went to a dance competition, rehearsal, or recital without them!